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Showing posts with label Forbes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forbes. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Vince McMahon Talks With Forbes About His Wealth & More

Forbes has a really good interview up with Vince McMahon. Here are some quotes:

His wealth:
“I don’t consider myself a rich person,” he says in a rare moment of modesty. “I know that I am, but it’s not like I belong to any country clubs. I have a car that goes very fast and a motorcycle that goes extraordinarily fast,” he said of his Bentley and a Boss Hoss 502. “I love speed. Beyond that, I don’t really have anything in common with anyone in Greenwich except zeros. Normally I do not like rich people.”

A McMahon running the company when he's no longer able to:
“I would like to see a degree of that. I just think as times go on, things will evaporate. Eventually Uncle Sam sees the benefit. You can’t do anything without Uncle Sam taking a huge bite of it.”

Will he ever be satisfied by his success?
“I have a voracious appetite, for life and everything in it. To a certain extent I will die a very frustrated man because I didn’t do this or accomplish that.”