As many of you may know NHL player Mike Fisher is married to the smoking hot and American Idol country singer Carrie Underwood. Although Mike has a following of fans he is not on his wife's level and often referred to as Mr. Underwood (i.e.: Nick Cannon aka Mr. Carey), So hearing that makes you think his wife has a lot of pull which she does. Recently Mike was traded from the Ottawa Senators to the Nashville Predators. Did I mention Carrie is a country music artist? So you see where I am going with this. Apparently she was not very happy with their work schedules and thought if he played for the home team in Nashville they would see each other more.
Now I have no concrete proof that Carrie made this deal happen but trading him from Ottawa which he was beloved to Nashville where she spends most of her time does sound a bit fishy, no pun intended.
The backlash to all this is now a Ottawa radio station has removed ALL of Carrie's music from their rotation and systems in protest to the trade. I told you the guy was beloved in Ottawa. So now the problem for her is she is not getting radio play in Ottawa which I couldn't tell you what number market they are but I don't think it will effect her much, but now Mike is being looked at as a bit of a softy and could soon fall into the shadows of his wife forever.-Mix Masta B