In yet another shocking Marvel plot twist, their upcoming ‘Daredevil‘ series has reportedly lost Drew Goddard. While it’s not nearly as hard of a blow or as surprising as yesterday’s news that director Edgar Wright has parted ways with the studio over differences on ‘Ant-Man,’ it’s still enough to make this a bit of a one-two punch. UPDATED: Marvel has also announced a new showrunner for the series; details below.
Nothing has been confirmed by Goddard or reps from Marvel, so we probably won’t know anything until after the holiday weekend, but with Goddard set to write and direct ‘The Sinister Six‘ film over at Sony, there’s been some apprehension over whether he’ll be able to juggle both a series and a major studio blockbuster. It’s unclear whether the split was amicable, if Goddard abandoned the project due to commitments at Sony, or if Marvel was unhappy with his vision. Rumors have been hitting the ‘net regarding the studio’s split with Edgar Wright over ‘Ant-Man,’ which involve script rewrites that stripped away much of the director’s highly original ideas.
We’ll know more next week, but until then, it’s a huge bummer to see Marvel lose yet another awesome writer and director just a day after the Wright/’Ant-Man’ announcement. What is up over at Marvel right now?
UPDATE: THR has confirmed Goddard’s exit, stating that the director is indeed leaving to focus on ‘The Sinister Six,’ though he will remain on ‘Daredevil’ as a consultant. Steven DeKnight has been named as the new showrunner for the Marvel series — DeKnight previously worked with Goddard on Joss Whedon’s ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘Angel’ series, and was the showrunner on ‘Spartacus’ for three seasons. At least they’re keeping things a bit friendly.
Read More: Marvel's 'Daredevil' Series Loses Drew Goddard |
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