
Sunday, August 4, 2013

#Saints Drew Brees Is Not A Bad Tipper

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees wants to set the record straight. He is not a bad tipper.
Brees recently made Internet news (somehow) by tipping $3 on a takeout order at Del Mar Rendezvous, a Chinese restaurant in San Diego.
The receipt with his tip and signature were leaked to "The Dirty," where he was ripped for being a "cheap [expletive] ... this is basically saying [expletive] you to the waiter." 
Brees responded by defending himself on Twitter.

A discussion on takeout tipping on the website Serious Eats showed people were split on the issue of what you should tip when picking up takeout. Most people said a few dollars are nice, but not expected, like when sitting down and having dinner.
The person in the wrong is the person who leaked the receipt. The Dirty claims it did not get the receipt from the person who gave Brees his order. But no matter who leaked it, what did he or she expect to accomplish by sharing this with the Internet? Cause a drop in takeout orders to the restaurant? Make sure Brees never returns?
One good thing did come from the incident, though: Daniel Shalom Schreiber, owner of Del Mar Rendezvous passed along an apology as well as an explanation (full text here):
If this is an authentic receipt, it would indicate that Mr. Brees is a very generous individual, as it would be a takeout receipt (indicated by the fact that there is no table number in the top left of the check, but rather a guest's name) and takeout orders do not usually garner a tip at our restaurant.
Schreiber also made a donation to Brees' foundation in the amount of $888.88, which he said is the luckiest number in Chinese culture.
Written By - Maggie Hendricks Yahoo! Sports

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